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January Thrive Volunteer of the Month

Congratulations to our January Thrive Volunteer of the Month, Mary McAllister!

Mary serves as a 1:1 mentor for a high school student in Chelan. She walks alongside her mentee to help her feel supported and realize her full potential. In January, Mary and her mentee volunteered to set things up at the Teen Center for Winterfest weekend.  This is a great example of how mentors invest in their mentees while partnering up to give back to our community.

As an organization, we strive for program integration.  We love to see our mentors and mentees giving back to our Teen Center and Cares programs.  We also think it is a beautiful thing when our mentors help promote qualities like civic responsibility and philanthropy by finding unique ways to invest in our community. 

We are thankful for Mary, and all of our Thrive Mentors, for investing so well in our youth.  We are confident that our future will be brighter because of the investment you’re making today!

#wearethrivechelanvalley #thrivementoring #thrivetogether

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