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The Rally {Day 4}


Thrive is excited to support the work of our friends at Only7Seconds as they launch a virtual assembly aimed at engaging teens in meaningful conversation regarding hope, fear and identity and how that all ties in suicide prevention.

According to the CDC, suicide is the second leading cause of death amongst Americans between 15-19 years of age.  What is, perhaps, most alarming is that in the last decade, suicide amongst this particular age group has skyrocketed.  Last year, some local business and community leaders, along with the organization Only7Seconds, decided bring some awareness to this issue with an assembly series on this topic.

This year, due to COVID-19, in-person assemblies aren’t able to take place.  With statewide orders to isolate due to the virus, we feel a message of hope is needed now more than ever.  The virtual assembly series has been taken up a notch, taking place from May 26-29, and will include four days of videos (one video per day) as well as opportunities for local teens who participate to win prizes each day.

Please click HERE for the DAY 4 video, featuring Justin Mortimer, speaker and musician.

Feel free to reach out to for more information!

#wearethrivechelanvalley #thrivementoring #thriveteencenter #thrivecares

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